Table of contents
- Introduction
- 1st step: Assets
- 2nd step: Users
- 3rd step: AR model
- 4th step: Configuration
- Priority order
The scenarios are a critical part in the use of Ubleam.
To go further into their utility, please refer to this article.
To see how to create a new scenario, please refer to this article.
The configuration of a scenario is divided into 5 steps :
1st step: Assets
In the very 1st step, you are able to chose between "Paired assets" & "Unpaired Assets". Each of them offering different options & consequences.
This will condition the trigger of the scenario.
Paired Assets
The Paired assets option targets the assets that are already paired with a bleam.
Once this option is picked, 3 suboptions shall become available :
- All area assets: The scenario shall concern EVERY asset paired with a bleam
- All assets with following label(s): The scenario shall concern every asset containing one label or a combination of labels (the logical link between the propositions is "AND")
- A customized asset selection: The scenario shall concern some selected assets only
Whatever the picked option, the list under "A customized asset selection" shall be updated in conformity with it.
Unpaired Assets
The Unpaired assets option targets the assets that are not paired with a bleam yet.
Once this option is picked, 2 suboptions shall become available :
- All area assets: The scenario shall concern EVERY unpaired asset
- All assets with following label(s): The scenario shall concern every unpaired asset containing one label or a combination of labels (the logical link between the propositions is "AND")
Whatever the picked option, the list below shall be updated in conformity with it.
2nd step: Users
The second step leads you to the choice of a condition based on the user.
6 options are selectable:
- All users: Every Ubleam app user shall be able to meet the scenario, even if they are not logged in.
- All company users: Every user identified in the current organization
- All area users: Every user identified and known to be in this organization's specific area
- All users with following label(s): The scenario shall concern every user containing one label or a combination of labels (the logical link between the propositions is "AND")
- All users with at least one of this/these role(s): The scenario shall concern users with one of the selected roles (the logical link between the propositions is "OR")
- A customized user selection: The scenario shall concern some selected users only
3rd step: AR model
This is the moment where you chose the AR cover you want to display if the required conditions, defined in the last 2 steps, are fulfilled.
Simply click on the text field to select the wanted cover
You will then be able to see a preview on the right side of the window.
4th step: Configuration
In this step, the main goal is to bind each button to a functionality. It can be binded to an attribute, to a fix value or to something else.
Text block
In the text block, which aims to display a texte on the cover directly, an attribute value (attributes are selectable) or a default value can be entered.
Asset button
The asset button is quite particular. Indeed, it gives access to the identity sheet of the asset, displaying some selected attribute (depending on what we mean to show the user) with the possibility, or not, to be edited.
The button can be pressed to chose what attributes will appear and give an additional functionality to some of them.
Configure the attributes
A breadcrumb of 3 steps will appear at the top of the configuration panel.
The first step, "Attributes" consists in selecting the attributs we want to display, by simply ticking them.
All the unshown attributes appear at the bottom, in "Other attributes". Each ticked attribute will then be moved to "Selected attributes".
The second step, "Rank order" gives the opportunity to select the order of appearance of each of the selected attributes.
These first two steps condition the attributes to display and their order. For the example above, here is the result (for an asset that has no "Localisation" attribute):
Browsable attributes
The browsable attribute will give the possibility to the user to open a list of other asset sharing the same value of this attribute.
Exactly like in the first step, simply ticking the attributes make them appear in the upper "Selected attributes" part.
Here is an example of application, (for an asset that has no "Localisation" attribute):
Clicking on this attribute will lead you to the list of assets having the same "Fabricant" :
Then, one of these assets can be clicked again to access its information.
Related assets button
The Related assets button allows more complete functionalities than the browsable attributes. It leads the user to an asset list with one or several attribute identical to the ones of the scanned asset.
Le bouton Objet liés est un bouton menant à des fonctionnalités plus complètes que les attributs navigables. Il mène l'utilisateur vers une liste d'objets ayant un ou plusieurs attributs similaires.
The button is an access to a choice of attributes to be used as filter in the asset list. The text field located under "Mobile screen title" allows to title the list.
Attribute selection
The unique step in the configuration panel, after clicking on , leads to a selection of attributes that will run as filter. All the unselected attributes appear at the bottom, in "Other attributes". Each ticked attribute will then be moved to "Selected attributes".
Logbook button
This part concerns the logbook buttons that are not set up in the Cover studio.
The logbook button can be set up by selecting what forms we want to display data from.
This can be selected simply via their labels, or simply via a button that includes all of them.
If we select "Select by labels", we shall be able to click on the dropdown menu below to display every selectable label.
Form button
This part concerns the form buttons that are not set up in the Cover studio.
The configuration of this button consists in selecting the form to fill in.
The dropdown menu will lead you to chose the form.
Other buttons
This part concerns the buttons that are not set up in the Cover studio.
All the other button types are easy to set up : an attribute can be selected to call its value, or a default value can be put.
Priority order
One very last piece of detail to know about the scenarios concerns the priority order.
Indeed, you can quickly see that there is a "rank" associated to each scenario :
This rank is precisely the reading order of the scenarios by our system.
To make it short :
- Our system tries to apply first the scenario ranked 0
- It checks if the conditions are fulfilled, and if they are : the scenario is applied
- If the conditions cannot be fulfilled, it goes to the next scenario and so on
Be careful when ordering your scenarios then.
The most restrictive scenario must always be at the top.