Table of contents
- Introduction
- Create an AR model
- Edit an existing AR model
The Augmented Reality view, also called "cover", is the direct consequence of scanning a bleam. Therefore, it is what the user will see on their smartphone screen, over the camera view, allowing them to interac with an asset.
In order to customize properly your Ubleam interfaces, the AR can be configured via Fusion.
Create an AR model
In this part, we shall see how to create a model and set up its content.
- In the Fusion's vertical menu, click on the Augmented Reality icon
- Click on the Create new AR model button to enter the studio
- Once in the editor, choose a basis model among those at your disposal
In a standard way, 3 models are proposed:
- Free: Possibility to add your own graphic interface as a picture file (.png recommended for transparence), over which some clickable, text and image zones can be put
- Simple Square: Model with 1 upper block including text zones, 1 block for the asset's image and 8 locations for the buttons
- Simple Round: Model with 2 blocks including text zones, 1 block for the asset's image and 8 locations for the buttons
"Free" model
The free model comprises straightforward options to customize quickly your cover.
The configuration focuses on importing a background picture, then editing some clickable areas.
Importing a picture
On the right hand menu, in the "BACKGROUND PICTURE" tab, there is a Choose a file button to press.
Then, you simply have to select the picture you wish to import from your local, and the overview shall update in the studio.
Define clickable areas
Editing a clickable area can be made in 2 steps:
- Define the outline of the zone
- Define its function
Outline of the area
On the left hand menu, 2 buttons are not ungreyed out, in the "Clickable areas" tab. They illustrate the two clickable area shapes.
- Choose the shape
- Adjust the clickable area (size, location) displayed in the center overview
- Match the clickable area with what must be a button in the picture
Function of the area
The clickable area must correspond with a button that triggers an action.
Cette action est sélectionnable dans une liste visible dans le menu de droite après clic sur une zone cliquable.
The "ACTION TYPE" tab offers a list of preprogrammed actions of which the details can be adjust in the scenarios, Configuration part.
The details of these functionalities can be seen here: Buttons' functionalities.
Define text areas
Editing a text area can be done in 2 steps:
- Define the outline of the area
- Define its settings
Outline of the area
In the left hand menu, the Text button makes the area in which the text will display appear.
- Click on Text
- Change the area (size, location) displayed in the middle preview
Settings of the area
- Select the area
- Adjust the text settings via the right hand menu: size, font and colour
- Double click on the example text to change it, in order to know the way it shall eventually be displayed. Of course, the example text written here will not be visible in the cover.
Final rendering
The text shall be editable in the scenario. It shall be defined as a "default value" or be equal to the value of one of the scanned asset's attributes.
Define image areas
Editing an image area can be done in 2 steps:
- Define the outline of the area
- Define its settings
Outline of the area
In the left hand menu, the Text button makes the area in which the text will display appear.
- Click on "Image"
- Change the area (size, location) displayed in the middle preview
Settings of the area
- Select the area
- Decide for it to display the asset picture via the right hand menu
Final rendering
The text shall be editable in the scenario, the same way the texts are. It shall be defined as a "default value" or be equal to the value of one of the scanned asset's attributes. However, the value of the image area will have to be the link to a picture or a path to a picture file stored in the Fusion documentation space.
Cover from the "free model" for the user
From the free cover model, by combining the different available tools, we can end up with some interesting results:
"Simple Square" or "Simple Round" models
Basic concepts
Simple square
The simple square model is a model selectable by default with :
- 1 location for the asset's image
1 upper block including:
- 2 text areas
- 8 button locations
Simple round
The simple round model is a model selectable by default with:
- 1 location for the asset's image
1 upper block including:
- 5 text areas
1 lower block including:
- 2 text areas
- 8 button locations
Set up the buttons
The left hand exposes the exhaustive list of the button types that can be integrated.
Add a button
Click on one of these buttons actually adds it onto the first available location (respecting the numeric order).
Modify the aspect of a button
To modify the visual aspect of a button, you have to:
- Click on the button to adjust
- In the right hand menu, the tab "Properties" automatically opens, and offers several customization functionalities
- Interact with these parameters to obtain the expected changes
- The preview gets automatically updated after each modification
Delete a button
- Click on the button to delete
- In the right hand menu, the "Properties" tab is automatically opened, and displays the deletion button:
- Click the deletion button
Button location
As previoulsy mentioned, the button gets automatically placed into the first available location, based on the displayed numeric order.
However, if you wish to leave some blanks in between, you can simply add some buttons, then delete the ones you mean to replace by empty spaces.
Buttons' functionalities
In a free model or in a predefined model, the available functionalities of the buttons remain the same.
Social media buttons
Each of these buttons opens a link to the matching social media.
Basic and advanced buttons
The basic and advanced buttons constitute a groupe of 15 distinct functionalities:
- 6 basic buttons - Simple functions
- 9 advanced buttons - Complex functions
Here is the lexicon :
"General" tab
At all time, the editor allows to display the content of the "General" tab in the right hand menu.
This tab concerns not only the selected element of the current cover, but the cover itself.
It can be used to name the cover and to give it a description.
These are pieces of information that are meant to be visible on Fusion only. The smartphone Ubleam app end user cannot see them.
Save an AR model
To save an AR model, you can press the button in the interface top right hand corner.
Leave the studio
To exit the studio and return to the cover listing page, you can press the button in the interface top left hand corner.
Edit an existing AR model
When you face the cover listing page, you can click on the 3 dots located on the top right hand corner of their preview.
Via the 3 icons that then display:
You can:
- Edit the cover
- Delete the cover
- Duplicate the cover